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Export Statistics Analysis of Crude Lead (Bullion) for October 2023 Maintains record high level of 5,000 tons

(Detailed Analysis) In terms of volume, the single month of October saw a slight decrease from the previous record month to 5,211 tons, 97% m/m and 130% y/y, while the total for the January-October period was 41,439 tons, 117% y/y. By major export destination, exports to South Korea declined for the second consecutive month, to 578 tons, m/m 77%, y/y 86%, the lowest level since April, and to 6591 tons, y/y 101%, for the January-October period. shipments to Taiwan maintained the 1,000-ton level despite a decline, totaling 1103 tons, 90% m/m, 54% y/y, and 13,502 tons, 85% y/y for the January-October period,

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