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BatterySummit2023講演者紹介:INTERNATIONAL LITHIUM ASSOCIATION (ILiA) Secretary General Mr.Roland Chavasse

Mr. Roland Chavasse 

Secretary General

International Lithium Association


Lecture title:The International Lithium Association: supporting the global lithium industry

Mr. Roland Chavasse

International Lithium Association  Secretary General



Mr. Roland Chavasse MBA is the Secretary General of the International Lithium Association (ILiA), the global industry body representing the lithium value chain, which he co-founded with Anand Sheth in 2021. Roland has a wealth of experience with rare and critical elements, including a decade of commercial experience working with tantalum, rhenium, cobalt, niobium, and nickel-based superalloys. Since 2016 he has specialized in proactive metals association management, hosting conferences on four continents, managing responsible sourcing programs, editing trade journals, and advocating for members’ interests. He has previously led the Tantalum-Niobium International Study Center (T.I.C.) and the Minor Metals Trade Association (MMTA). He is based in London, UK.




BatterySummit2023 at Hilton TOKYO


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