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6/19-20 MIRU Rare earth Symposium in Tokyo with 2024 REIA Annual Conference & JOGMEC

<<MIRU Rare earth Symposium in Tokyo with 2024 REIA Annual Conference & JOGMEC>>



【概要 / Summary】

MIRUでは、REIA、JOGMECとコラボレーションし、レアアースシンポジウム in Tokyoを開催いたします。日本で開催するレアアースに関する国際会議はとても貴重な機会であり、今回はREIA総会を兼ねておりますので、ヨーロッパをはじめ世界中から、多くのレアアース関係企業が参加します。

MIRU, in collaboration with REIA and JOGMEC, will hold the Rare earth Symposium in Tokyo. The international conference on rare earths in Japan is a rare opportunity, and since this year's conference will also serve as the REIA General Assembly, many rare earth-related companies from Europe and around the world will be attending.



Rare earths are an essential resource for the development of innovative technologies such as electric vehicles (EVs) and wind power generation. The event will feature a number of key players from the rare-earth industry who will actively discuss the latest technologies and trends.


【日時 / Date】


June 19 (Wed.) and 20 (Thu.), 2024


【プログラムアジェンダ / Programme agend

19 June >

 8.00- 9.00 Conference Registration 
 9.00-09.15 Welcome Speech by Dr. Badrinath Veluri, REIA President
   ‘REIA - A Global Platform for a Sustainable World’
 9.15- 9.20 Inaugural Address: Michio Daito, President, JOGMEC
 9.20- 9.40 JOGMEC’s Role and Function, Hiroshi Shimotori, Executive-Vice President of Metals Unit, JOGMEC
 9.40-10.00 Europe’s Efforts in Diversification of Critical Raw Materials: CRMA and Beyond, Bernd Schaefer, CEO and Managing Director, EIT RawMaterials
10.00-10.20 REE Demand and Sustainability: Perspectives from the Wind Industry, Oliver Bischof, Head of Procurement / CPO, Siemens Gamesa
10.20-10.30 Member Spotlight: Energy Fuels
10.30-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-11.50 Panel Session: The Role of Government in Addressing the Criticality of Rare Earths and Other CRMs
   Moderator: Nicole Rodgers, Chief Government & External Affairs Officer, GreenMet 
   Bernd Schafer, CEO and Managing Director, EIT Raw Materials; 
   Dan Glover, Counsellor, Australian Embassy in Tokyo; 
   Abigail Hunter, Executive Director, SAFE Center for Critical Minerals Strategy. 
11.50-12.10 Diversification of the Rare-Earth Permanent-Magnet Supply Chain, Greg Kroll, Executive Vice-President, Neo Magnequench
12.10-12.30 Diversification of REE supply chain: But at What Costs?, Tom O'Leary, Chief Executive Officer, Iluka Resources 
12.30- 14.00 Lunch Break
14.00-14.20 The Future of Rare-Earth Permanent Magnets, Randy Ahuja, President, Proterial America, Ltd. 
14.20-14.40 US Efforts in Diversifying and Sustaining the REE Supply Chain
14.40-15.30 Panel Session: Alternative Financing of REE Mining and Processing projects: National Perspectives 
   Moderator: Andrea Cornwell, Director Asia Pacific, REIA   
   Jani Adolfsson-Tallqvist, Development Manager, Finnish Minerals Group;
   Muhammad Imran, Vice-President of the Rare Earth Element Division, Saskatchewan Research Council; 
   Al-Farabi Ydyryshev, Director General, National Center for Technology Foresight, Kazakhstan;
   Tore Malo Ødegård, CFO, Rare Earths Norway. 
15.30-16.00 Coffee Break
16.00-16.20 MP Materials: the Front Runner in Developing an Integrated REE Value Chain in USA, Michael Rosenthal, COO MP Materials
16.20-16.40 Dismantling and Recycling of Permanent-Magnet Motors, Tsukasa Komatani, President, Suzuki Shokai 株式会社鈴木商会 代表取締役社長 駒谷僚 氏
16.40-17.00 The Growth of Electric-Vehicle Industry in China, Tomoo Marukawa, Professor, University of Tokyo
17.00-17.20 Dynamics of the Japanese Rare Earth and Magnet Market, Nagaosa Masatake, Manager, Arthur D. Little Japan Inc アーサー・ディ・リトル・ジャパン株式会社 マネジャー 永長正丈氏
17.20-17.30 Member Spotlight: Afrimat
17.30-17.35 Closing remarks: Yuji Tanamachi, President, IRUniverse
18.00-21.00 Networking Dinn
<20 June 2024>
 9.00- 9.20 Rare Earths Industry: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow? Philippe Kehren, CEO, Solvay 
 9.20-10.10 Panel Session: HREEs - Sustainability, Market and Challenges
   Moderator: Thomas Kruemmer, Director, Ginger International Trade & Investment
   Tim Harrison, Managing Director, Ionic Rare Earths; 
   Ramon Barua Costa, CEO, Aclara Resources;
   Khan Liu, President, JL Mag USA;
   Brett Hazelden, Managing Director and CEO, Od6 Metals;
   Darrin Campbell, President, Namibia Critical Metals. 
10.10-10.30 Navigating the Future: Sustainable Strategies for Rare-Earth Industries, Amanda Lacaze, CEO, Lynas Rare Earths Corp 
10.30-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-11.20 Will the Rare-Earth Permanent Magnet Be Replaceable? Masato Sagawa, Advisor, Daido Steel 大同特殊鋼株式会社 佐川眞人 氏
11.20-12.10 Panel: New Process Technologies for Rare-Earth Separation
   Moderator: Gareth Hatch, Strategic Advisor, REIA
   Dejene Kifle, Chief Technology Officer, Rare Earth Technologies, Inc.;
   Sean Medin, Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder, REEgen;
   Sirli Sipp Kulli, CEO, BiotaTec;  
   Gautam Khanna, Founder and CEO, Tussar Corp.
12.10-12.30 Electric Vehicles Outlook: Motors, Magnets and Critical Materials,Daan de Jonge, Product Director, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence
12.30-14.00 Lunch
14.00-14.20 The Deep-Sea Mining of Rare Earths: Pros and Cons, Yasuhiro Kato, Professor, University of Tokyo 東京大学 工学部長 加藤泰浩 氏
14.20-14.35 Caremag: an Innovative Unit to Process Efficiently a Mixed of Recycling and Mining Sources, Frederic Carencotte, CEO Carester 
14.35-15.25 Panel Session: Recycling Rare Earths: Techno-Economic and Environmental issues 
   Moderator: Caroline Messecar, Strategic Market Editor, Fast Markets 
   Ahmad Ghahreman, CEO, President and Co-Founder, Cyclic Materials; 
   William Dawes, Director, HyProMag; 
   Felipe Guerrero, Technical Commercial Engineer, JGI-HYDROMETAL;
   Leonard Ansorge, Managing Partner, RockLink;
   Pini Althaus, CEO and Co-Founder, REEMag.
15.25-15.45 REE Market Dynamics: The Supply-Demand Paradigm, Ronan Murphy, Editor, Argus Media
15.45-16.05 Design and development of permanent magnets; how to solve rare-earth criticality while considering new demands?, Hossein Sepehri Amin, Group Leader - Green    Magnetic Materials, National Institute of Material Sciences, Japan
16.05.-16.15 Member Spotlight: TAM International 
16.15-16.20 Vote of Thanks, Nabeel Mancheri, REIA Secretary General
16.20-17.00 Coffee Break



【場所 / Location】

              虎ノ門ツインビルディング カンファレンスホール / Conference Hall, Toranomon Twin Bldg.

    (〒105-0001 東京都港区虎ノ門2-10-1 B1 / B1, 2-10-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001


【料金 / Fee】 1000ユーロ / €1000  プログラム内の食事は全て料金に含まれています。


         *Discounts are available for MIRU members and those who apply through MIRU.


         If you would like more information, please register using the form below.

    MIRUレアアースシンポジウム in Tokyo MIRU特別価格情報ご希望の方はこちら 

            MIRU Rare Earth Symposium in Tokyo MIRU Special Price Information


Other speakers will be announced as soon as they are confirmed.

【お申込み / Application】

   こちらのフォームからお申し込みください / Please fill out this form to apply.


【ご参加予定企業 / Participation in scheduled enterprises】


More than 120 companies and organizations from Europe are expected to participate

【ご参加企業 / Participant Organisations】

  • Grundfos Holding A/S
  • Mazda Motor Corporation
  • Lynas Rare Earths
  • Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Tronox
  • MinebeaMitsumi, Inc.
  • B&C Speakers SPa
  • Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy A/S
  • Bosch (China) Investment Co., Ltd
  • Argus Media
  • Daido Steel Co., Ltd
  • Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
  • University of Tokyo
  • National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
  • Base Resources
  • Serra Verde
  • Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd.
  • Arafura Rare Earths Ltd
  • Victory Metals Ltd
  • Bharat Advance Metals LLP
  • National Institute for Materials Science
  • Bomatec AG
  • Baotou Tianhe Magnetics Technology Co.,Ltd.
  • BEC Gesellschaft für Produktmanagement mbH
  • Mkango Resources
  • Current Chemicals
  • Advanced Material Japan Corporation
  • TOYO Engineering Corporation
  • Cyclic Materials Inc.
  • Torngat Metals Ltd.
  • Benchmark Mineral Intelligence
  • Afrimat
  • GE Chaplin
  • Arthur D.Little Japan Inc.
  • Kumamoto University
  • Ginger International Trade & Investment Pte Ltd
  • Brazilian Critical Minerals
  • The Anchor House, Inc.
  • Investment NSW
  • DMEGC Germany GmbH
  • Mongolian National Rare Earth Corp LLC
  • Sojitz Corporation
  • JL Bonded Magnet Co., Ltd.
  • Entellus Industries
  • JL Mag High End Magnetics Europe BV
  • Honda Trading America Corp.
  • Colorado School of Mines, Critical Materials Innovation Hub
  • Fastmarkets
  • Copenhagen Business School & University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Minviro
  • Ionic Rare Earths Limited
  • Cobra Resources Plc
  • MagPat Consulting
  • CoTec Holdings Corp.
  • Neo Chemicals & Oxides
  • Kinzokuen Corporation
  • Finnish Minerals Group
  • Australian Strategic Materials
  • Iwatani Corporation
  • Meteoric Resources
  • Neo Performance Materials
  • Japan Special Material Co.,Ltd.
  • Energy Fuels Resources
  • Iluka Resources Limited
  • Fujian Golden Dragon Rare-Earth Co.,Ltd.
  • Lindian Resources Ltd
  • TAM International LP
  • SGS Canada Inc
  • Mitsubishi Corporation RtM Japan Ltd.
  • Austrade Japan
  • Namibia Critical Metals Inc.
  • DMEDC Japan Co., Ltd.
  • GQD
  • Ningbo Songke Magnetic Material Co., Ltd.
  • Ningbo Songke Magnetic Material Co.,Ltd
  • Nippon Pulse Motor Co., Ltd.
  • OD6 Metals
  • Pensana Plc
  • Phone In Mag Taiwan
  • PLANET Co.,Ltd.
  • Qiandong Rare Earth Group Co., Ltd
  • Qiandong Rare Earth Group CO.,ltd
  • Rare Earth Technologies
  • Rare Earths Norway
  • Rasa Corporation
  • REEgen
  • REEtec AS
  • Roc Global
  • Rocklink GmbH
  • Saskatchewan Research Council






REIA:Rare Earth Industry Association





