第8回Battery Summit 講演者紹介 Li-Cycle Corp. Dawei Li氏
Dawei Li
Li-Cycle Corp.
Regional President – APAC
Lecture title:
An introduction to Li-Cycle
Solving the global battery recycling problem
Dawei Li is APAC regional President to oversee all business and facility rollout across the continent.
Prior to joining Li-Cycle, Dawei Li served as the Global Business Director for Lithium Carbonate at the Albemarle Corporation, where he developed the battery grade strategy and executed on business development plans in key regions resulting in robust performance. Previously, he was a Global Segment Marketing Manager for Eastman Chemical Company leading corporate growth initiatives and launching efforts to generate demand for existing products while commercializing novel ones. He began his career in Shanghai, China working for PwC.
Dawei Li holds his BBA in Marketing from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and an MBA from the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia.
李大偉 氏
Li-Cycle Corp.
An introduction to Li-Cycle
Solving the global battery recycling problem
国際会計事務所PwCの上海支部でキャリアをスタートさせた。その後、Li-Cycle に入社するまでは、Albemarle 社の炭酸リチウム担当グローバルビジネスディレクターとして、電池グレードの戦略立案と主要地域での事業開発計画を実行し、堅調な業績を収めた。また、Eastman Chemical社のグローバル部門・マーケティングマネージャーとして、新規製品の商業化を行う一方で、企業の成長戦略を主導し、既存製品の需要喚起にも取り組んだ。
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