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REIA Annual Conference 3: Discussion on the Utilization of Terbium and Report on Rare Earth Situation in Mongolia

 The Global Rare Earth Industry Association (REIA), a Belgium-based rare earth industry organization, held its annual conference for 2023 in Barcelona, Spain from June 21 to 23. Here are further highlights from the speeches and panel discussions:


■Considering Sustainable Investments


 On June 22, the third panel discussion titled "Sustainable Investments: Dealing with the Time and Costs for Companies to Achieve Optimal ESG" took place. The discussion was moderated by Donna Valaha-Walsh from Valinor Asset Management, a U.S. commodity hedge fund. Drew Horn, the founder of GreenMet, a U.S. company involved in building mineral resource supply chains, participated in the panel.


 According to a LinkedIn report on June 23, the discussion included a proposal for increased investment in a mixture of terbium and dysprosium in various fields. The importance of technology and intellectual property rights was discussed, along with a focus on recycling for investment and ESG balance.


■Mongolia: 36% of the World's Rare Earth Reserves


 On the morning of June 23, Yan Wang, the Deputy Director of the Baotou Rare Earth Research Institute, delivered a presentation on "Rare Earth Investment in Mongolia: Current Status and Outlook." According to a LinkedIn report on June 24, Yan Wang highlighted that Mongolia holds 36% of the world's rare earth reserves. He also mentioned that Mongolia has the production capacity to meet the demand from both China and other countries.


Yan Wang from Baotou Rare Earth Research Institute

(Source: LinkedIn)


 Summarizing the three-day conference, REIA Chairman Badrinath Veluri stated on June 23 that they were able to attract 245 participants from 38 countries and regions, concluding the conference with great success.


 Related Article: REIA Annual Conference 1: Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on "Sustainable Access to Mineral Resources" | MIRU (


 Related Article: REIA Annual Conference 2: Examining the Relationship between Rare Earths and Energy Transition, Including EVs as a Topic | MIRU (


 Here is the schedule for the REIA Annual Conference: » 2023 REIA Annual Conference and General Assembly REIA - Rare Earth Industry Association (


Japanese website is here



(IR Universe Kure, translated by S. Aoyama )


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