ACE Green Recycling, Inc. Farid Ahmed氏 Battery Summit 2022 vol2(8/31)
Farid Ahmed 氏
ACE Green Recycling, Inc.
Vice President - Global Strategy and Business Development
(仮)Batteries need lithium need lead need batteries
ACE社の前にはWood Mackenzie社にて主席アナリストとして鉛関連の主要な国際会議において多数の講演経験があり国際鉛市場では良く知られた専門家。それ以前は金属業界のマーケット戦略と分析、原料調達、付加価値製品、プロセス開発、製品の故障分析、設備投資、監査などに特化したフリーランスのコンサルタントだった。
Lecture title:
(tentative)Batteries need lithium need lead need batteries
Farid Ahmed joined ACE Green Recycling in July 2022 as Vice President for Global Strategy & Business Development, bringing thirty years of metals and battery industry experience including market research, technical, operations and commercial roles.
Prior to joining ACE, Farid was Principal Analyst at Wood Mackenzie. As a regular speaker at the key lead industry events, he was acknowledged as a leading expert on global lead markets. Before this, Farid founded a business consultancy focusing on the metals industry with engagements including market strategy and analysis, raw materials acquisition, speciality products, process development, product failure analysis, capital investment and expert witness.
Farid holds a BEng honours degree in Metallurgy from the University of Leeds and is a member of the Institute of Consulting.
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