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6月19日‐20日開催 レアアースシンポジウム in Tokyo 講師紹介 NIMS Mr.Hossein Sepehri Amin

Mr.Hossein Sepehri Amin
Group Leader,
Green Magnetic Materials Group


Presentation title: 
Design and development of permanent magnets; 
how to solve rare-earth criticality while considering new demands?
Professional carrier
• Ph.D. Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 2011/3
• ICYS Researcher, NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan, 2011/4-2014/3
• Researcher, NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan, 2014/4-2016/3
• Senior Researcher, NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan, 2016/4-2023/3
• Group Leader, Green Magnetic Materials Group, NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan, From 2023/4~now
Research Interest
• Design and development of high-performance magnetic materials for green energy conversions; including permanent magnets, soft magnetic materials, and magnetocaloric materials.
Honors and Awards
• 20th Japan Institute of Metals (JIM) Murakami Young Researcher Award, 2023.
• Young Scientists' Award 2023 from MEXT (The Japanese Ministry for Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), 2023.
• The Tsukuba Encouragement Prize 2022 (Young Researchers), 2023.
• The Asian Union of Magnetics Societies (AUMS) Young Researcher Award, 2022.
• The 43rd Honda Memorial Young Researcher Award, 2022. 
• Magnetic Society of Japan, “MSJ Outstanding Research Award”, 2019.
• Japan Institute of Metals and Materials, "Young Researcher Award", 2015.
• German Innovation Award, Gottfried Wagener Prize. 2015.
• National Institute for Materials Science President’s Prize for Advances in Science and Technology for Young Scientists, 2015.
• Toyota Center Prize, Award of Innovation, Establishment of guidelines to enhance magnetic coercivity of permanent magnets by controlling microstructures, 2013.


6/19-20 MIRU Rare earth Symposium in Tokyo with 2024 REIA Annual Conference & JOGMEC



