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第11回BatterySummit講演者紹介:SungEel HiTech Vice President Kwanghyun Yum氏

Mr. Kwanghyun Yum

SungEel HiTech Co.,Ltd. vice president





クァンヒョン・ヤム氏は、2018年よりSungEel HiTech Co., Ltd.の戦略事業部ディレクターを務めています。同社は、リチウムイオンバッテリーのリサイクルと再生材料供給における世界的な企業の一つです。



Lecture title:"Reimagining Battery Recycling: Innovations for a Sustainable Future"



Mr. Kwanghyun Yum is Diretor of Strategic Business division in SungEel HiTech Co.,Ltd. since 2018 where is one of world-class company in lithium ion battery recycling and recycled material supplier. Prior to joining our company, Mr. Yum served a variety of management roles at several global leading edge industry firms at engineering, marketing, product development and strategic planning division in a career spanning over 23 years. Mr. Yum holds B.S. and M. Eng. degrees in Metallurgical Engineering from Korea University.





2025年2月18日(火) 第11回BatterySummit in TOKYO

February 18, 2025 (Tuesday) 11th Battery Summit in TOKYO

