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06/06/2024   Rare Eart... & SMM partnership past and future developments

In October 2021, entered into a partnership with SMM (Shanghai Metals Market), China's largest portal website for the non-ferrous metal and ferrous metal industry, and started its efforts. Various efforts have been made so far, but at the Battery Summit 2022 held on January 14, 2022, Mr. Antares Yuan, an analyst in the SMM battery and new energy division, participated in the video and through his participant, live information on China was told to the visitors. This effort is a major step forward in the partnership between and SMM.





(Related article(Japanese version))

 ・MIRU and SMM, China's largest portal site for the non-ferrous metal industry, have formed a partnership!

 ・January 14, 2022 Battery Summit 2022 was held at Gakushi Kaikan


We have summarized the efforts so far between and SMM.


This article will also be published on the English site and SMM site.


● Participated in the 2021 SMM NONFERROUS METALS INDUSTRY CHAIN ​​ANNUAL CONFERENCE held in Shanghai, China from November 10th to 12th, 2021 as Japan's only media support.




ロゴ attends all conferences of this three-day yearly meeting online. We have summarized a total of 21 articles on the fields of copper, aluminum, lead / zinc, and new energy.


→(Related article)2021 SMM NONFERROUS METALS INDUSTRY CHAIN ANNUAL CONFERENCE Summary of All Articles(Japanese version)



● The 1st MIRU & SMM Online Live "2022 World Economy, Iron and Non-Ferrous Metal Market Outlook" will be held on December 3, 2021 (Friday). The online live was held with over 100 participants. Along with the video provided by SMM, an online question and answer session was also held.






(Related article(Japanese version))

 ・1st MIRU & SMM Online Live "2022 World Economy, Iron and Non-Ferrous Metal Market Outlook" 20211203

 ・MIRU & SMM on line ~ 2022 World Economy, Iron / Nonferrous Market Outlook (Before)

 ・MIRU & SMM on line ~ 2022 World Economy, Iron / Nonferrous Market Outlook (after)

 ・MIRU & SMM Online Live Q & A Summary: Outlook for automobiles, ADC12, and metallic silicon



● In December 2021, the partnership will be further strengthened and cooperation related to research work will be deepened. As a result, has become able to provide deeper local information such as research on Chinese domestic companies.


→(Related article)MIRU and SMM strengthen partnership! Started cooperation in research work(Japanese version)



● January 14 Video provided to Battery Summit 2022. holds a Battery Summit every year with Professor Akira Yoshino of Asahi Kasei as the main speaker. Among them, is by Mr.Antares Yuan SMM analyst for new energy, gave a 15-minute video presentation in English under the theme of. "China New Energy Vehicle and Power Battery Industry Development and Review"  It was well received by visitors that they had a good understanding of the EV and battery markets in China.






We would like to continue such efforts both online and offline.



● Provides regular SMM online seminar reports. SMM regularly holds online seminars in English. participates as a media partner each time and compiles a report.


● is scheduled to participate in the SMM seminar in the future.


In this way, and SMM have been sharing various information in the three months since the start of the alliance. In the future, we plan to strengthen information on both sides and to further strengthen the partnership. Please look forward to future developments.



<What is SMM (Shanghai Metals Market)>



SMM top page(



A portal website for the non-ferrous metal industry in China, which is positioned at the top of the world. It boasts access from over 130 countries and regions around the world. The Shanghai Non-Ferrous Metal Price Index (SMMI) and SMM Price (Shanghai Spot Market), which reflect information on the Chinese non-ferrous metal market, publish the latest prices of more than 100 non-ferrous metal products every day from an objective point of view.


Boasting the largest number of customers on the Chinese metal industry website, the number of members exceeds 100,000. It also has the largest and most abundant data and information in China. The number of daily access exceeds 200,000 PV, and more than 400 professional staff provide services in the metal industry chain and related financial investment fields.


The Shanghai spot prices (SMM prices) announced daily by SMM are non-ferrous metals, steel, iron ore, precious metals, trace metals (rare metals), recycled metals (scraps), metal powders, metal compounds, processed materials, alloys, rare earths. It targets hundreds of non-ferrous metals and is recognized as a reliable spot benchmark price.


Operated by Shanghai Metals Market Information Technology Co., Ltd., the company is an independent comprehensive service provider that conducts information, exhibitions, research and consulting, and electronic commerce on behalf of China's leading metal industry chain.


If you would like the English text of the linked article, please contact us from "contact us".





 IRuniverse Reporter, Freelance Writer, Freelance Interpreter / Translator (Japan-China)

 He has lived in Taiwan since 2017. While raising three children, she engages in various activities such as selling handmade foods.

 Her hobbies are handicrafts, soap making, Taiwanese cooking research, and travel.

 * For requests for interpretation, translation, Taiwan guidance, etc., please contact us using MIRU's "Inquiry" form or by phone.




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