New arrivals

07/26/2024   MRAI Seco...
07/26/2024   MRAI/IBS ...
07/24/2024   Nickel In...
07/19/2024   Rare Eart...
07/18/2024   MIRU-MRAI...
07/09/2024   May2024 L...
07/09/2024   May 2024 ...
07/05/2024   Rare Eart...
07/04/2024   ILUKA dec...
07/04/2024   ILUKA RES...
07/02/2024   Plastic R...
06/24/2024   REIA, JOG...
06/21/2024   REIA, JOG...
06/21/2024   Rare Eart...
06/19/2024   On-Site I...
06/10/2024   Rare Eart...
06/08/2024   6/19-20 M...
06/07/2024   Analysis ...
06/06/2024   Analysis ...
06/06/2024   Rare Eart...

MIRU English website User Guide

MIRU English website




①Go to My Page

  Click the link below for further details
②Check/change your membership status and personal details
③Price data of all items we follow is listed
④Keyword search within the MIRU website
   Search for articles via keywords
⑤Go to the MIRU Japanese website
  Many more articles are listed on our Japanese website
  Subscribers with the Global edition can access all of them
    Please keep in mind that no translation service is provided by us, and you may need to use your browser’s automatic translation function
⑥Go to each category
⑦Featured Articles
⑧Latest Articles
   Click the top bar (“New articles”) for more articles

The MIRU English Website regularly publishes articles such as...

・English translation of some noteworthy articles in Japanese
・Weekly digests of Japanese news
・Event announcements

If you would like to access all articles on the MIRU Japanese website, 
please join our MIRU Global Edition(1year)

As for the price data, you can access all the items/products we are following 
(excluding PRO-labelled items for the MIRU English Edition subscribers)



To explore each category



①Featured Articles

②Price data within the category
   You can jump to a detailed market price graph by clicking on each item’s name

③Narrow-down search function
   You can find target articles by item name

④Latest articles within the category


How to check Price Data?

You can check the price data from either of the following
・”Price Data” within the top bar on the Homepage
・Each category’s page
You can jump to a detailed market price graph by clicking each item’s name



①Displayed item name
   Select the item from the right drop-down

②Select the date
   Entering dates leads you to the specific period

③Choose the duration of the graph
   Options are from 3 months up to 20 years

④Compare with another item
   The graph will show the comparison of the two items

⑤CSV downloading
   Download CSV data for the last 3 months

⑥Related articles
   By clicking the checkbox, articles related to the market price will be shown with the “★” mark


MIRU Japanese website




① Go to My Page
  Click the link below for further details
②Check/change your membership status and personal details
③Price data of all items we follow is listed
④Keyword search within the MIRU website
   Search for articles via keywords
⑤Go to the MIRU English Website
⑥Go to each category
⑦Featured Articles
⑧Latest Articles
 Click the top bar (“New articles”) for more articles
MIRU Japanese Website offers its content only in Japanese. 
You may need to use your browser's automatic translation function as necessary. 
The general function of the MIRU Japanese Website is the same as the MIRU English Website.
If you subscribe to MIRU Global Edition (1 year), you can access all the articles listed on the MIRU Japanese Website including PRO-labelled articles and price data.
※Subscribers of MIRU English Edition (1 year) cannot access articles/content on the MIRU Japanese Website.
Keyword searches on the MIRU Japanese Website only apply to the original language of the contents.
(You need to put a keyword in the original written language to get a result)
If you are a MIRU Global Edition(1 year)subscriber, more services are offered such as 
・Recommended articles pick-up service
Our Japanese Website contains over 60,000 articles. Recommended articles based on your preferred categories/items can be selected and introduced to you.
・Requests for English translation (immediate translation available but at extra cost)
・Answering your enquiries about the content of our articles
Should you want these services, please contact us at the following link.

To explore each category


①Featured Articles

②Price data within the category
   You can jump to a detailed market price graph by clicking on each item’s name

③Narrow-down search function
   You can find target articles by item name

④Latest articles within the category



How to check Price Data?

You can check the price data from either of the following
・”Price Data” within the top bar on the Homepage
・Each category’s page
You can jump to a detailed market price graph by clicking each item’s name



①Displayed item name
   Select the item from the right drop-down

②Select the date
   Entering dates leads you to the specific period

③Choose the duration of the graph
   Options are from 3 months up to 20 years

④Compare with another item
   The graph will show the comparison of the two items

⑤CSV downloading
   Download CSV data for the last 3 months

⑥Related articles
   By clicking the checkbox, articles related to the market price will be shown with the “★” mark



Trade Statistics


<What are Trade Statistics? >
Once a month, detailed Japanese trade data analysis for each category becomes available to download as Excel data.
See the items covered from the link below ↓







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