BatterySummit2023講演者紹介:Evergreen Recyclekaro India Pvt. Ltd Mr. Rajesh Gupta
Mr. Rajesh Gupta
Evergreen Recyclekaro India Pvt. Ltd Founder, Director
Lecture title:Coming soon
Mr. Gupta’s Profile:
Education: Bachelors in Electronics Engineering
Title: Founder, Director
Company: Evergreen Recyclekaro India Pvt. Ltd
Goals: To be amongst the top 10 recyclers of the world having active engagements with other companies, producers, manufacturers, retailers, citizens, profit & non profit organizations to help them recycle efficiently and thus create a meaningful and positive impact on our environment. His vision is to maintain sustainability and support our nation's circular economy.
- Seeds Award- Young Achievement Award
- Asian Green Business Award
- Recycling Business of The Year (2017) by World CSR Congress
- Appreciation award by WTERT India (2018)
- The 10 most admired pollution control companies in India as published by Insight Success - 2019
- Named “one of the topmost Recyclers in India” by leading magazine “Silicon India” - 2021
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