第11回BatterySummit 講演者紹介 リリックテクノロジー(株)技師長 三島 洋光氏
2024/12/06 17:17 FREE
三島 洋光氏
1988年3月 山口大学工学部工業化学科卒
1988年4月 湯浅電池株式会社(現:株式会社GSユアサ)入社
1998年9月 京セラ株式会社入社
2021年6月より 同社 主席技師
2024年5月リリックテクノロジー株式会社入社 技師長
Hiromitsu Mishima
Speech Topic: Introduction to China's Advanced Mass Production Equipment for LIB Modules and Packs Supporting xEVs
- March 1988: Graduated from Yamaguchi University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Industrial Chemistry
- April 1988: Joined Yuasa Battery Co., Ltd. (now GS Yuasa Corporation)
- Conducted research and development on lithium secondary batteries using metallic lithium as the anode
- Engaged in research and development of polymer solid electrolyte lithium-ion batteries
- September 1998: Joined Kyocera Corporation
- Conducted research and development on inorganic (oxide-based) all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries
- Developed and commercialized clay-type lithium-ion batteries
- June 2021: Appointed Principal Engineer at Kyocera Corporation
- May 2024: Joined Lyric Technology Co., Ltd. as Chief Engineer
- 2024 Electrochemical Society Technology Award (Tanahashi Award):
- For the practical application of clay-type lithium-ion batteries
- Traveling, wine
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