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2022 Statistical Analysis of Crude Lead (bullion) Exports: Annual Volume Increase, Value Increase for 5 Consecutive Years

Exchange rate change TTS 3 months


(Detailed analysis)

In terms of volume, the total annual volume for 2022 is 41,609 tons, 128% of the same period last year. By major export destinations, the total annual volume to South Korea in 2022 was 7,877 tons, up 124% year-on-year; to Taiwan in 2022 was 18,807 tons, up 181% year-on-year; and to Vietnam in 2022 was 6,970 tons, up 97% year-on-year. The annual total for Thailand in 2022 is 3,926 tons, up 79% from the same period last year.(Table-1,Graph-1,-3)



In terms of value, the 2022 annual total is 11,335 million yen, 150% of the same period last year. Annual value increased for the fifth consecutive year.(Table-2,Graph-2,3)



The overall average FOB was JPY272 per year compared to JPY233 the previous year, the second consecutive year of increase.(Graph-4,5)




(IRuniverse/MIRU S. Aoyama)



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