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Exclusive Interview Series at 20ABC #1: UAE’s first recycled lead refiner DUBATT


During the 20th ABC held in Siem Reap, Cambodia, we also had the pleasure of meeting many new people and successfully interviewing several of them. In this article, we would like to introduce a company called DUBATT, the first recycled lead refiner in the UAE.


(Dubatt Battery Recycling LLC Director - Operations Mr. Mohamed Jabir)


This start-up company was established just 6 months ago as the first lead refinery in the UAE. 

Concurrently they had also acquired the UAE’s largest lead battery collector. 

At present, the company produces 2,000 tonnes of lead ingots per month as well as various lead alloys ranging from 99.97% to 99.985% purity.


All raw materials they use are scrap. Approximately 8,000 tonnes of lead battery scrap are generated every month in the UAE. It was reported by the company that, whilst almost all the battery scrap in the UAE had been exported in the past, a recent decline in the export amount could be as a result of the company’s establishment. 


At their factory, they have installed state-of-the-art equipment supplied by an Italian company SERI. According to DUBATT, the factory is greatly automated, with 35 employees producing 2,000 tonnes of lead ingots per month. The cost of the installed equipment was reported as 25 million USD.


The company also has a plan to start a LiB recycling business in 2024 and is considering procurement and installation of equipment from ACE Green Recycling, a company likely to be familiar to MIRU subscribers as they have recently appeared at our own hosting event in Japan. 


As for lead battery scrap, DUBATT’s current processing capacity is 50,000 tonnes per annum. 


It was also stated by them that the market price in the UAE for lead battery scrap with a sulfuric acid solution is valued at 44% of the lead price at LME, and 52-23% without the solution.



(IRUNIVERSE YT&YH, translated by A.C.)

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