第8回Battery Summit 講演者紹介 Botree 劉剛鋒氏
劉剛鋒(リュウ ゴウホウ)博士
Suzhou Botree Cycling Sci & Tech Co., Ltd.
Sustainable Battery Materials Based on Advanced Full Recycling Solution
主に使用済みリチウムイオン電池のリサイクル、触媒中のPGMの回収、スポジュメンからのリチウムの抽出、残留鉱物の総合利用などの技術開発と産業応用に取り組んでる。 彼は、HeraeusとTianqi Lithiumという2つの大手企業で中大規模のチームを率いており、技術開発規模は2,000万人民元を超える。4つの州および地方自治体の人材賞を受賞。
Dr. Gangfeng Liu
Lecture title:
Coming soon
Mainly engages in technical development and industrial application in spent Li-ion battery recycling, recovery of platinum group metals (PGMs) in catalyst, extraction of spodumene lithium, and comprehensive utilization of mineral residue. He has managed medium and large teams in two leading companies named Heraeus and Tianqi Lithium, responsible for the new technology development and production operations with a capital of more than 20 million RMB. He has won 4 provincial and municipal Talent Awards.
刘刚锋 博士
Sustainable Battery Materials Based on Advanced Full Recycling Solution
8月2日開催 第8回Battery Summit 2023 Summer session
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