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BatterySummit2023講演者紹介:ACE Green Recycling Mr.Siddharth Roy

Mr.Siddharth Roy 

ACE Green Recycling, Inc. Business Director 


Lecture title:Introduction to commercial modular, Emission free LIB Recycling.


Siddharth Roy is the Business Director for ACE Green Recycling and is based in Singapore. He has more than 12 years of experience in mining, trading, supply chain and distribution of non-ferrous waste and battery materials. Prior to working with ACE, Siddharth Roy has worked in various key positions with Vedanta Resources and with two non-ferrous trading start-ups.




ACE has setup a revolutionary facility nearby Delhi, recycling EOL LIB into battery raw materials with the low cost and environmentally friendly way.




BatterySummit2023 at Hilton TOKYO


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