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07/26/2024   MRAI Seco...
07/26/2024   MRAI/IBS ...
07/24/2024   Nickel In...
07/19/2024   Rare Eart...
07/18/2024   MIRU-MRAI...
07/09/2024   May2024 L...
07/09/2024   May 2024 ...
07/05/2024   Rare Eart...
07/04/2024   ILUKA dec...
07/04/2024   ILUKA RES...
07/02/2024   Plastic R...
06/24/2024   REIA, JOG...
06/21/2024   REIA, JOG...
06/21/2024   Rare Eart...
06/19/2024   On-Site I...
06/10/2024   Rare Eart...
06/08/2024   6/19-20 M...
06/07/2024   Analysis ...
06/06/2024   Analysis ...
06/06/2024   Rare Eart...

6月19日‐20日開催 レアアースシンポジウム in Tokyo 講師紹介 アーサー・ディ・リトル・ジャパン(株) 永長正丈氏


アーサー・ディ・リトル・ジャパン(株) 永長正丈 氏




永長正丈 氏




Title:「Issues and Recent Topics Surrounding Rare Earth Recycling」


Mr. Masatake Nagaosa
- Arthur D. Little Japan, Manager
- Consulting focus : Research/Strategic planning on manufacturing, metal recycling, and renewable energy, BPR for manufacturing
- Background : After working on non-ferrous manufacturer(Mitsubishi) for 7 years, over 5 years of consulting business




6/19-20 MIRU Rare earth Symposium in Tokyo with 2024 REIA Annual Conference & JOGMEC



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